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Oregon lawyers serving the public good.

Legal Services E-LERTS
News from the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law. Summariesof news & opinion pieces on civil legal aid. Searchable content includes pieces that praise, attack, or simply discuss free and low-cost civil legal aid.

LSC's Equal Justice Magazine
A quarterly feature magazinededicated to equal justice issues and the work of public interest lawyers. Produced by the Legal Services Corporation.

National Center on Poverty Law
The Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law champions law and policy promoting equal opportunity and support for low-income people and communities. The Center's editorial staff search, abstract and index news stories for advocates on a weekly basis.

News and publications from the National Legal Aid and Defender Association. Contains stories of national interest in Equal Justice News, and News From the Field, highlighting stories from legal aid programsacross the country.